Zanzibar interactive installation
Immersive storytelling: collaboration with Boston based MA student Asma Khoshmehr
An interactive installation produced in collaboration with Boston based MA student Asma Khoshmehr. I used Touchdesigner to turn Asma’s 3D scans of locations in Zanzibar into an interactive installation.
The installation is part of a collection of works produced by Khoshmehr, which investigate the experience ofwomen and her family during the Zanzibar revolution of 1964. Asma’s uncle Taqy, who narrates the installation, explains how he helped to free women from captivity and forced marriage.
Motion capture allows the audience to trigger events and use their hands to look around the environment.
This is a screen capture of the installation. It was recently showcased live in Boston for Asma’s thesis exhibition. I will soon be updating my portfolio with the documentation she captured of the event.